Last week, we welcomed Adam Johnson, Director at Tudor International Freight Limited, and Liz Hancock, Regional Strategic Partnership Manager at RBC Brewin Dolphin, to Tribus as part of the Yorkshire Business of the Year Awards 2025 as we enter the 'Innovation' category for our work on a custom risk management platform designed for the property, construction, and facilities management industries.
The visit was a great chance for us at Tribus to look back at what our development team has achieved over the last few years and the positive difference it’s making in the construction world. We’re really grateful to Adam and Liz for taking the time to chat with us and see firsthand the innovative work we’ve been doing.
In this article, we’ll dive into more detail about the risk platform we shared with the judges.

What was our approach?
Tribus embarked on a process of user-centric product discovery. Workshops with various stakeholders gave Tribus insights about how the process really worked, what the limitations were and how it could be improved. Consultation with end users across the business ensured that Tribus had a realistic view of the priorities and what features would truly transform the risk management environment.
In line with Lean process methodologies and a mission for simplification, efficient use of data and optimised user experiences, this focus helped shape how actions can be carried out with optimum efficiency.
The Construction Risk Platform
The construction risk platform Tribus built bespoke consolidated environmental procedures and plans that were previously disparate into one platform. The risk platform harnesses data from across each property, construction and facilities management business. It can be analysed, assessed and put into action. Tribus Digital focus was to create a user-friendly digital platform that surfaces key information and insights via a realtime dashboard.
The construction risk platform provides a consistent output for visible risk profiling on a per project basis, providing risk ratings from the very earliest stages prior to construction start, the current mitigated/managed risk and indicative risk status for handover to the customer at project completion.
The bespoke platform was able to:
Consolidation of over 35 procedures, reference documents and forms all removed from the process
Elimination of manual spreadsheets, which removes risk of errors with copy and paste
Duplication of effort removed & removal of double keyed data
Time saved preparing procedures and plans is equivalent to over £20,000+ per year
A paperless system, with at least 4,320 pages saved from printing each year - that's equal to 260 kg Co2 saving per year
Revolutionises visibility of project risk throughout all stages from inception to completion
Allowing review of comparative projects to support tendering and planning
Provides legal assurance, effective planning, risk mitigation and in times of need, the evidence for defence
Embedded ESG & sustainability commitments
Simple and easy to use, review and update
Because we were able to develop and build this platform in a bespoke for Willmott Dixon, it means that there has been a laser focus on their business priorities whilst maintaining the ability to evolve the system over time in line with changing needs. It also ensures that data can be captured and shared across the whole suite of Willmott Dixon’s proprietary business reporting applications providing insight for improved decision making.
The application features CMS (content management system) functionality that allows rapid adaptation and effective management to ensure the platform is always up-to-date with the very latest legal guidance and evidential requirements. It provides real time risk
profiling to understand risks from the project start, the current risk, based on mitigating actions completed so far and a residual risk target to aim
The benefits
As well as actions taken to protect ecology, including species, trees & Hedgerows, there are mitigations to air emissions such as noise and dust, impact to communities and construction sites’ neighbours, control risks to land or water, management of resource compliance risks with timber and water, management of materials such as soils and stones, and, where materials have or could be discarded; waste duty of care compliance.

We’d like to thank Yorkshire Business Awards for allowing us to share this innovative product with you and your judging team and how you can see how our platform offers an efficient way to track risks and obligations throughout a construction project’s lifecycle.